
11 Sneaky Ways to Build Brand Awareness [Updated 2021]

The goal of every business owner is to find as many potential customers as possible. The more people you reach, the more incredible opportunities you get. However, competition is fierce. The fact that every company knows how competitive the market is forces them to come out with unique marketing ideas.

Unless you’re a startup with bucket loads of money to invest, you probably have a limited marketing budget. In such circumstances, achieving your goal is like a challenge. But, this problem can easily be resolved if you have a well-planned marketing strategy that supports your lead generation and business goals.

Without further ado, let’s have a look at the 11 most effective and powerful ways to market your brand.

1.  Socialize on Social Media

When it comes to brand promotion, social media is the most reliable tool. We all know how social media benefits both small and large-scale businesses. Over 3.6 billion people from around the world spend hours on social media. This shows that most of your prospective clients are present on social media, and you can connect with your customers at a more intimate level.

From sharing teasers of your up-coming content to launching new products, social media is an excellent platform to do it all. Despite being almost free of cost, it gives you many opportunities to expand your reach. Consulting a Social Media Marketing Agency is recommended for professional services.

However, your presence on social is not enough. You have to be active. Social media requires smart work and unique ways of engagement.

2.  Start a Blog

You must’ve seen many companies having their own blogs where they post interesting stuff that their audience can look up to. Why don’t you start a blog too? Setting up a blog is very simple, and you can post anything as long as it is related to your brand.

In the realm of online marketing, it is better to capitalize on blogging. Along with increasing your reach and visibility, it can further improve your search engine ranking.

3.  Optimize your Site

Use the right keywords or hire an SEO strategist, do whatever it takes to make your website rank higher. People won’t be aware of your brand unless your Apple or Nike. If you want your website to be found by more people, you need to focus on SEO.

But, when it comes to optimization, SEO is not the only thing you need to focus on. It will help if you make your website more user-friendly. You have to make sure that your content is appealing, web design is easy-to-use, and the website loads up at high speed.

4.  Email Campaigns and SMS Marketing

Reminder through emails and SMS is an excellent way to keep your customers informed. You can remind them about your new product launch, a networking event, a special holiday sale, an informative blog post.

Remember that an effective email and SMS should provide value to your customers. If it does not add value, it won’t help you increase conversations.

5.  Paid Social Advertising

Almost every social media platform has a useful advertising format, specially designed to benefit brands and businesses. With so many successful businesses already present on social networks, the competition is becoming tough day by day.

That is why paid advertising on these networks is a great option. You can easily reach your target audience and market your brand through these ads.

6.  Influencer Marketing

Over 57% of brands use influencers in their marketing strategy, while 21% are planning to include them in their tactic soon. Since many companies get solid results from influencer marketing, they spend thousands of dollars every year in order to double their revenue.

Influencer marketing includes endorsements and product placements from influencers. These people have an expert level of knowledge and social influence in their industry.

Most brands prefer sending their PRs to influencers rather than sending them to celebrities. When done right, influencer marketing will have a significant impact on your brand image.

7.  Leverage on Video Marketing

97% of marketers say that video marketing increased understanding of their product/service, while 93% say they’ve landed a new customer due to a video. 75% of consumers would watch a video to learn about a product rather than reading written content. Whether you run a small or large-scale business, anyone can leverage video marketing.

Platforms like YouTube will be great for your video marketing strategy. When used wisely, this platform will help you promote your business, drive profitable traffic, and make your brand stand out. You can also share videos on other social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook or post it on your blog/website.

8.  Offer Coupons, Discounts, or Free Samples

In the realm of online business, customers are more likely to avail opportunities like coupons and discounts. It is proven that consumers will go out of their way to use a coupon. For the sake of their savings, many people usually buy when there’s a sale going on.

However, giving away free samples will be a good marketing strategy if you’re willing to invest more. If people get the opportunity to try out your product, they’ll indeed purchase again if they like it. Especially nowadays, people prefer buying something they’ve experienced before.

9.  Networking

Do we need to emphasize the importance of networking events? We don’t think there’s a better way to promote your brand and build a business than networking. Events like trade shows, happy hour meetups, product launch, company parties, and others are ideal for brand building and raising awareness.

Socialize, go to or host events, shake some hands, and get to know people. However, it does require time and effort. But a strong network is one of the most valuable assets a business owner can have.

10. Create a Publicity Stunt

A good publicity stunt will get you the attention of media. And that is free marketing. You can either think of crazy ideas to draw some attention or genuinely help others but still do promotions. Have you ever heard of Richard Branson? We call his stunts crazy.

However, you can also do something for the community by giving away free products or sponsor an event by donating. You can even host a massive giveaway for your customers and followers on social media.

11. Ask for Customer Feedback and Review

We’re sure you’ve hardly purchased from a seller who had no reviews. That’s how important reviews and feedbacks are. There’s nothing wrong in asking for customer referrals. Majority of consumers happily give reviews if they’re asked to do so and if they’re satisfied with your product.

If you’re site or page has more reviews, it will make it easier to generate leads. You’re missing out on wonderful opportunities if you don’t ask for feedback.

There you have it! We hope this guide helped you and gave you some solid ideas to plan your new business strategy. If you know some other amazing tips to promote a brand, we’d love to read them in the comments.

Naeem Noor

Naeem Noor is a professional blogger and an SEO Specialist currently working is top digital marketing firm in Karachi. Naeem loves to eat, work sleep and repeat.

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